Quiz Questions And Answers

Quiz Questions

Question 1. He -------------------- it.
don't like doesn't like doesn't likes

Question 2. They -------------------- here very often.
don't come doesn't come doesn't comes

Question 3. John and Mary -------------------- twice a week.
come comes coming

Question 4. I -------------------- mind at all.
not isn't don't

Question 5. It -------------------- sense.
don't make doesn't makes doesn't make

Question 6. They -------------------- happy.
seem seems seeming
Question 7. You -------------------- to do it.
don't have doesn't have doesn't has

Question 8. She -------------------- a brother.
doesn't has don't has doesn't have

Question 9. The journey -------------------- an hour.
take takes taking

Question 10. I -------------------- it now.
want wants wanting

Question 11. Peggy -------------------- by bus.
come comes coming

Question 12. She --------------------.
don't know doesn't knows doesn't know

Question 13. She -------------------- hard.
try trys tries

Question 14. They -------------------- football every weekend.
play plays playing

Question 15. The exam -------------------- two hours.
last lastes lasts
Number of score out of 15 = Score in percentage =
